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Pessary Care Routine

Understanding the importance of pessary maintenance is crucial for women using this device to manage conditions like pelvic organ prolapse or stress incontinence. A pessary offers a non-surgical approach to support areas affected by these conditions, enhancing comfort and quality of life. Here's a guide to ensure its effective use and care:

  • Frequency of Removal: Depending on your comfort and lifestyle, you can remove your pessary daily, weekly, or monthly. This flexibility allows you to wash it with mild soap and water, ensuring it remains clean and safe for reuse.

  • Intimacy Considerations: For those using ring pessaries, you have the option to either remove it or leave it in place during sexual intercourse, based on what feels most comfortable for you.

  • Activity-Based Insertion: If you're using a pessary to manage stress incontinence, especially during physical activities or exercise, you can insert it as needed. This provides targeted support when you most require it, offering peace of mind and increased confidence during your activities.

Professional Assistance

Some individuals might find it challenging to manage their pessary care independently. In such cases, it's essential to seek assistance from healthcare providers for the removal, cleaning, and reinsertion of the device every three to six months. This ensures the pessary is maintained correctly and continues to provide the intended support.

Preventing Complications

  • Infection and Odor Prevention: To maintain vaginal health and prevent infections or unpleasant odors, using an acidifier (often provided with your pessary) or applying estrogen cream vaginally two to three times a week is recommended. Alternatives include oral or transdermal estrogen, or an estradiol-17 ring placed behind the pessary, offering additional options based on your preferences and medical advice.

  • Regular Check-Ups: Scheduling appointments with your healthcare provider every three to six months is vital for monitoring the condition of your vaginal tissues. These check-ups help identify any signs of erosion or ulcers early on. If any lesions are detected, removing the pessary until the area has healed is crucial, alongside treatment with topical estrogen to promote healing and comfort.

Pessaries represent a valuable option for managing specific women's health issues, offering an alternative to surgical interventions. Proper care and maintenance of your pessary, coupled with regular medical consultations, ensure its effectiveness and your overall well-being. Always follow the guidance of your healthcare provider to tailor the care routine to your specific needs, ensuring the best outcomes from your pessary use.